
brand                   Tabacalera
product                 Coronas

length                    13.97

diameter               1.75

Flavored              no
ring gauge           44
length inches      5.5
Cover Country   Indonesia
binder country   Philippines
deposit country  Philippines


Tabacalera embodies the fun-loving spirit of the Filipino people with its easy-going smoke and sweet taste sprinkled with spicy undertones. It has generous floral notes with gentle kicks of spice and cedar, as if romanticizing the diverse landscape of the Philippines on the palate. This cigar puts the Filipino at its heart. Fondly called the Manila Cigar, the original Tabacalera is one of the oldest cigar blends in the world—celebrated by both king and commoner, yesterday and today. Tabacalera is available in Caprichos, Cigarillos, Corona, Coronas Largas, Cortados, Double Coronas, Half Coronas, Imperiales, Isabela, Londres Grandes, Panatelas, Pyramid, Robusto, and Sumatra.

Tabacalera lncorporada has been manufacturing the finest hand-rolled Philippine cigars for more than 135 years, remaining unmatched in quality, selection, and craftsmanship. We follow the strictest traditions and have garnered much international acclaim for our wide array of cigar brands including Don Juan Urquijo, 1881,Tabacalera, Alhambra, and Calixto Lopez.

To produce well-crafted cigars that burn evenly, draw effortlessly, and possess exceptional taste, we source only the finest tobacco from lsabela province in the Philippines and the rest of the world, making every one of Tabacalera’s cigars a testament to our painstaking process, “totalmente hecho a mano” or “completely handmade.”

Save for our century-old wooden cigar presses, no machine yet invented can match the experienced sight, smell, and touch of a master cigar maker. Developed through traditions that have been passed down over a hundred years, the uniquely human ability to judge every leaf, assemble the correct proportion of ingredients, and toll the cigar properly to achieve the perfect draw makes a Tabacalera cigar beyond compare in its construction. The handmade cigar is the ultimate luxury; nothing else comes close.


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